Together We Can Help Your Children Succeed!
Dear Parents,
Thank you for visiting our website.
When a your child enrolls at our school (BellaVision Montessori), we warmly welcome your child and your family into our community. Children are spontaneous learners and they grow at a very fast pace. We encourage you to be involved in all our school events. We strive to increase parental involvement and do appreciate your feedback. Research shows that Children with parents who are involved in their school tend to have fewer behavioral problems and better academic performance. When children see you involved in the school, it reinforces in them the value placed on education. This in turn strengthens the home/school connection and enriches your child’s learning experience in a multitude of ways.
We offer many and diverse ways for families to stay connected and up-to-date. Ways you can be involved with our school:
Make your presence at the school events.
Read all the material sent home with your child.
Monitor homework. Help your child best possible way to do their best.
Read the parent handbook and understand our school policies.
Thank You!